Organization name : Moncton Regional Learning Council
First name of person making the request: Jennifer
Last name of person making the request: Steeves
Position: Engagement Coordinator
Address: 96 Norwood Avenue Suite 208
City : Moncton
Province : NB
Postal Code : E1C 6L9
Email :
Phone: (506) 382-3303
Website :
Position title: Volunteer Tutor
Type of work: Teaching (school, arts, sports)
Description : We are looking for passionate people who will help us put our learners on the fast track to success.
As a volunteer, you will provide free and confidential one-to-one tutoring services to adults 16+ years of age and older who seek help in improving their numeracy and literacy levels. Whether it be to excel on a professional basis, reading to their grandchildren, getting their driver*s licence, or passing their GED, our organization can help all learners reach their goals.
The learners and volunteer tutors meet regularly at locations mutually convenient for each pair.
Requirements: MRLC expects volunteer tutors who complete the tutor training to commit to working with an adult learner for up to one year. They must also agree to maintain confidentiality regarding their learner.
Tutors and learners will work, usually at third-party locations such as libraries, in facilities that are conducive to learning.
Tutors and learners are required to undergo a background check and complete the intake process to ensure safety and compatibility.
Adequate for youth (13坼17) : No
Fully accessible workplace
What language the opportunity is: English
Ideal for:
Location: Moncton Area
Duration: On going
Start date : Immediately
End date : On going
Time detail : 1-2hrs/week
Training : Tutor Training
Organization name | Nom de l’organisation : Moncton Regional Learning Council
First name of person making the request | Pr谷nom de la personne faisant la demande : Jennifer
Last name of person making the request | Nom de famille de la personne faisant la demande : Steeves
Position | Poste de la personne faisant la demande : Engagement Coordinator
Address | Adresse : 96 Norwood Avenue Suite 208
City | Ville : Moncton
Province : NB
Postal Code : E1C 6L9
Email :
Phone | T谷l谷phone : (506) 382-3303
Website :
Titre du poste : Volunteer Tutor
Type de travail : Teaching (school, arts, sports) / Enseignement (scolaire, arts, sports)
Description : We are looking for passionate people who will help us put our learners on the fast track to success.
As a volunteer, you will provide free and confidential one-to-one tutoring services to adults 16+ years of age and older who seek help in improving their numeracy and literacy levels. Whether it be to excel on a professional basis, reading to their grandchildren, getting their driver*s licence, or passing their GED, our organization can help all learners reach their goals.
The learners and volunteer tutors meet regularly at locations mutually convenient for each pair.
Qualités requises : MRLC expects volunteer tutors who complete the tutor training to commit to working with an adult learner for up to one year. They must also agree to maintain confidentiality regarding their learner.
Tutors and learners will work, usually at third-party locations such as libraries, in facilities that are conducive to learning.
Tutors and learners are required to undergo a background check and complete the intake process to ensure safety and compatibility.
Convient-il aux jeunes (13-17) : No
Lieu de travail enti豕rement accessible
Langue du poste : English
Idéal pour : Tous
Emplacement : Moncton Area
Durée : En continue
Date du début : Immediately
Date de la fin : On going
Détail de l’heure : 1-2hrs/week
Formation dispensée : Tutor Training