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‘Movers and Makers’ : Campagne de financement de Transit Secours Grand Moncton

Moncton (Nouveau-Brunswick) – Transit Secours Grand Moncton organise sa première vente d’artisanat ‘Movers and Makers’ en partenariat avec The Painted Pineapple au Lions Club de Riverview le 1 octobre de 10 h à 15 h. Transit Secours Grand Moncton est un organisme national à but non lucratif et bénévole qui offre le transport et l’entreposage gratuits aux survivantes qui fuient la violence, principalement les femmes et les enfants. Transit Secours Grand Moncton recueille des fournitures d’art et d’artisanat neuves et légèrement utilisées qui seront vendues à des tarifs réduits à l’événement du 1 octobre.
The art and craft equipment can be dropped off at:

  • The Painted Pineapple (179 Bonaccord Street) avant le 1 octobre;
  • Boutique Hospice Shoppe (164 Collishaw Street) avant le 1 octobre; ou
  • Curt’s Fall Pop-Up Market (701 Coverdale Road) le 24 septembre, entre 9 am et 4 pm.

“Though our service is free to our clients, Shelter Movers’ internal cost to move one family and store their belongings is approximately $200, so every dollar goes a long way!“ – Renee Charron, Expansion Specialist for Shelter Movers Greater Moncton
All funds raised from the Movers and Makers event will help cover the move costs in and around
the Greater Moncton area.
“The community support that Shelter Movers Greater Moncton has received has been amazing. It has been a pleasure to organize this event and watch the community come together for a much-needed cause.” – Michelle Tupy, Volunteer Fundraiser for Shelter Movers Greater Moncton
About Shelter Movers:
Shelter Movers is a national, volunteer-powered charitable organization that provides moving and storage services at no cost to survivors of abuse. We collaborate with local businesses and community agencies to support families transitioning to a life free of violence. Currently operating in 6 cities across Canada, our 2000+ volunteers move an average of 130 families
each month. The Greater Moncton Chapter will be the seventh to launch nationwide and is anticipated to begin moves later this year.
For more information, please contact Renée Charron at or visit our website.