Volunteer Centre of Southeastern New Brunswick

Through the promotion of volunteering, the Volunteer Centre of Southeastern New Brunswick Inc. supports over 150 registered not-for-profit agencies/organizations from the Dieppe, Moncton and Riverview areas by responding to requests for recruitment community volunteers.

Non profit agencies, are invited to register. Fill out the Agency registration form.
If you are a registered agency needing volunteers, fill out the Agency request for volunteers form.

Many volunteers today are involved in positions of trust with children and other vulnerable individuals. Organizations are becoming increasingly aware of their obligation to provide services that are well-managed and as free from risk as possible. Proper selection and screening of individuals are significant elements of this effort.

We have a valuable screening process.

Screening refers to the range of procedures and processes used by organizations to carefully scrutinize individuals who apply for paid and unpaid positions in order to choose the best candidates and to weed out – as far as possible – those who are incompetent or who have the potential to do harm.

Ten Steps to a Safer Community

Determining the Risk:

Organizations can control the risk in their programs by taking steps to minimize, prevent or eliminate the risk altogether.
Position Design and Position Description:
Careful position design and clear position description determine the position’s level of risk while sending the message that your organization is serious about screening.


Recruitment materials should indicate that your organization screens applicants.

Application Form:

An application form can request permission to do a police records check or any other screening measure, and can only ask for information related to the requirements of the position being filled.


Interviews help ensure that you hire people who meet your requirements and fit in with your organization.

Reference Checks:

Don’t assume that all applicants will only give you names of people who will speak well of them.

Police Records Check (PRCs):

PRCs are one step in the 10-step screening process. PRCs signal – in a very public way – that the organization is concerned about the safety of its clients.

Orientation and Training:

Orientation and training sessions offer an opportunity to observe volunteers in a social setting and to provide information on your policies and procedures.

Supervision and Evaluation:

The greater the risk in a position, the more frequent and intense the supervision and evaluation process should be.
Participant or Client Follow-ups:
Regular contact with clients and family members can be a deterrent to someone who might otherwise do harm.


  • The Screening Handbook This book provides assistance to organizations trying to sort out the legal, moral, and ethical questions related to screening. The handbook includes sample interview questions, application forms, policy statements, and 20 ways of screening staff.Explore les buts, le contexte juridique et social et l’élaboration de mesures pertinentes en matière de filtrage.
  • The Education Dossier The Dossier is a presentation folder of fact sheets in Q&A format which deal with a specific aspect of screening.
  • Duty of Care This 15 minute video provides an introduction to the need for screening staff and volunteers in the positions of trust with vulnerable individuals, and includes interviews with representatives of organizations which routinely screen staff.

For more information

Volunteer Canada : Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7B7
1-800-670-0401 ou 1-613-241-4371
Télécopieur : 1-613-241-6725

or reach
Annette Vautour, certified trainer
(506) 869-6825

List of Registered Community Agencies

Classification ‘inspired’ by the International Classification of Non-profit Organizations (ICNPO).
(Ref.: Statistics Canada)

Group 1 : Culture and recreation
Albert County Historical Society    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Atlantic Ballet Atlantique Canada    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Atlantic Dance Festival    /    Culture and recreation    /       Y.O.
Boccia New Brunswick    /    Culture and recreation    /       
Boys and Girls Club of Dieppe Inc.    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
City of Moncton - Recreation, Parks and Culture department    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
CKUM-FM 93,5    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
CODAC NB - Lire et Faire Lire Acadie    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Codiac Youth Soccer    /    Culture and recreation    /       
Conseil provincial des sociétés culturelles    /    Culture and recreation    /       
Dieppe Kite International    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
Dieppe Leisure & Community Services    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
Dream Catchers Baseball Association    /    Culture and recreation    /       Y.O.
Festival Inspire    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
Frye Festival    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Galerie sans nom    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Girl Guides of Canada    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
Gordon Hall    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Greater Moncton Chorale    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
Greater Moncton Football Association Inc.     /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
Heritage Hillsborough Inc    /    Culture and recreation    /   
HubcityTheatre Inc.     /    Culture and recreation    /   
Jeux de la francophonie canadienne    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
La Fédération des Guides du N.-B. Inc.    /    Culture and recreation    /       Y.O.
Lutz Mountain Heritage Foundation Inc    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Lutz Mountain Heritage Museum and Meeting House    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Moncton Boys & Girls Club Inc    /    Culture and recreation    /       Y.O.
Moncton Museum    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
Moncton Public Library    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
Navy League Cadet Corps 193 Codiac    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
New Brunswick Racquetball Association    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Parasport New Brunswick    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Permanent Settlers Association    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Riverview Arts Centre    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Riverview Boys and Girls Club    /    Culture and recreation    /       Y.O.
Riverview Tennis Club    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Rogers Community Television    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
Scouts Canada - Moncton    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Special Olympics - Moncton     /    Culture and recreation    /       Y.O.
Sport Academy New Brunswick Inc (ASANB)    /    Culture and recreation    /       
Théâtre l 'Escaouette    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Town of Riverview, Parks and Recreation Department    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
Wellness, Culture & Sport - New Brunswick    /    Culture and recreation    /       
Group 2 : Education and research
Apprentissage pour adultes Sud-Est inc.    /    Education and research    /       
Carrefour des amis inc.    /    Education and research    /       
Conseil d'alphabétisation Le Mascaret (Moncton-Dieppe)    /    Education and research    /    
Dorchester Consolidated School    /    Education and research    /       
École Clément-Cormier    /    Education and research    /   
École Mathieu-Martin     /    Education and research    /   
Ecole Sainte-Bernadette    /    Education and research    /   
École St-Henri - District scolaire francophone sud    /    Education and research    /   
Elementary Literacy Inc    /    Education and research    /   
Evergreen Park School    /    Education and research    /       
Famille et petite enfance francophone Sud    /    Education and research    /   
Famille et petite enfance francophone Sud    /    Education and research    /   
GLOCAL Foundation of Canada    /    Education and research    /   Y.O.
Junior Achievement of Greater Moncton    /    Education and research    /   Y.O.
Kids Code Jeunesse    /    Education and research    /   Y.O.
Laubach Literacy N.B.    /    Education and research    /       
Learning Disabilities Association    /    Education and research    /       
Legs for Literacy    /    Education and research    /   Y.O.
Literacy Program for Francophones of South-East New Brunswick    /    Education and research    /       
McKenzie College    /    Education and research    /       
Moncton Headstart Inc. - Early Family Intervention Inc.     /    Education and research    /       Y.O.
Oulton College    /    Education and research    /   
READ Moncton    /    Education and research    /   
Riverview Middle School Breakfast Program    /    Education and research    /       
S.M.I.L.E. (Sensory Motor Instructional Leadership Experience)    /    Education and research    /       
Second Chance Workshop    /    Education and research    /   
Tantramar Regional High School    /    Education and research    /   
United for Literacy    /    Education and research    /   
Group 3 : Health
AIDS New Brunswick Inc    /    Health    /   
Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick    /    Health    /   
Alzheimer Society of Southeast New Brunswick    /    Health    /       Y.O.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society of New Brunswick    /    Health    /   
Arthritis Society, Codiac Branch    /    Health    /   
Arthritis Society, New Brunswick Division    /    Health    /   
Beauséjour Community Palliative Services    /    Health    /   
Brain Injury Association of New Brunswick Inc.    /    Health    /       
Canadian Blood Services    /    Health    /   
Canadian Cancer Society (New Brunswick Division Greater Moncton Unit)    /    Health    /   Y.O.
Canadian Celiac Association, Moncton Chapter    /    Health    /   
Canadian Diabetes Association    /    Health    /   
Canadian Mental Health Association, Moncton Region Inc.    /    Health    /   
Canadian Mental Health Association, N.B. Division    /    Health    /   
Canadian Red Cross    /    Health    /   Y.O.
Centre hospitalier universitaire Dr-Georges-L.-Dumont    /    Health    /   
College of Massage Therapists of New Brunswick (CMTNB)    /    Health    /   
Comcare Health Services    /    Health    /   
Community Mental Health Center, Mental Health Services Division of N.B.    /    Health    /       
Crohn's and Colitis Canada – Maritime Region    /    Health    /   
Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada    /    Health    /       
Cystic Fibrosis, Dawn MacEachern Chapter    /    Health    /       
Diabetes Canada    /    Health    /   
ENSEMBLE Services Greater-Grand Moncton    /    Health    /   Y.O.
Epilepsy New Brunswick    /    Health    /       
Greater Moncton Down Syndrome Society    /    Health    /       
Health Canada, Population and Public Health Branch    /    Health    /       
Healthy Minds Canada    /    Health    /   
Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick    /    Health    /   
Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick GREATER MONCTON    /    Health    /   
Horizon Health Network    /    Health    /    
Hospice Palliative Care of Greater Moncton    /    Health    /   
Huntington 's Society of Canada    /    Health    /   
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)    /    Health    /       
Kenneth E. Spencer Memorial Home    /    Health    /   Y.O.
Kidney Foundation of Canada    /    Health    /   
Lung Association New Brunswick    /    Health    /   
Moncton Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae    /    Health    /       
Moncton Kinsmen House    /    Health    /       
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada    /    Health    /   
New Brunswick Extra Mural Program    /    Health    /       
Osteoporosis Canada    /    Health    /   
Osteoporosis Canada    /    Health    /   
Osteoporosis Canada, Greater Moncton Chapter    /    Health    /   
Ovarian Cancer Canada    /    Health    /   
Parkinson Canada    /    Health    /   
Public Health    /    Health    /       
Respite Care Services - Children Special Needs    /    Health    /       
Ronald McDonald Family Room    /    Health    /   
Salvation Army - Lakeview Manor    /    Health    /   Y.O.
Salvus Clinic    /    Health    /   
Sexual Health Centre    /    Health    /       
Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of New Brunswick    /    Health    /       
St. John Ambulance - N.B. Council     /    Health    /   Y.O.
St. John Ambulance 275 Division - Moncton    /    Health    /   
Tele-care    /    Health    /   
The Arthritis Society    /    Health    /   
Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada, New Brunswick Chapter    /    Health    /   
Veteran Health Centre    /    Health    /       
Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) Moncton Branch    /    Health    /   
Villa du Repos    /    Health    /       Y.O.
Vitalité Health Network    /    Health    /   
Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission of New Brunswick    /    Health    /       
Group 4 : Social services
Ability Transit    /    Social services    /       
Addiction and Mental Health Services    /    Social services    /   
Albert County Action Committee    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
Alcoholics Anonymous    /    Social services    /       
Alternative Residences Alternatives (A R A) Inc.    /    Social services    /       Y.O.
Atlantic Wellness Community Center    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
Autism Resource Centre Southeastern NB    /    Social services    /   
Bereavement Support Group    /    Social services    /       
Big Brothers - Big Sisters    /    Social services    /       Y.O.
Birthright    /    Social services    /   
Block Parents Plan (Moncton)    /    Social services    /       
Boutique Hospice Shoppe    /    Social services    /    /   Y.O.
BullyingCanada    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
CAFi (Centre d'accueil et d'accompagnement francophone des immigrants du sud-Est du Nouveau-Brunswick)    /    Social services    /   
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation - Atlantic Region    /    Social services    /   
Canadian Cancer Society    /    Social services    /    
Canadian Hard of Hearing Association, New Brunswick Chapter    /    Social services    /       
Canadian National Institute for the Blind    /    Social services    /   
Canadian Paraplegic Association New Brunswick Inc.    /    Social services    /   
Cancer Society - Greater Moncton Relay for Life    /    Social services    /   
CARA Helpline Inc.    /    Social services    /       
Christmas Daddies Family Fun Day    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
Comfort Life Network    /    Social services    /       Y.O.
Crossroads for Women Inc.    /    Social services    /   
Defeat Depression Canada    /    Social services    /   
Early Childhood Family Resource Centre of Westmorland-Albert Inc    /    Social services    /   
Elderdog Canada    /    Social services    /   
Employment Peer Support Program Inc.    /    Social Services    /   
Ergon Inc.    /    Social services    /       
Family and Early Childhood Inc.    /    Social services    /   
Family Crisis Ressource Center    /    Social services    /   
Father J. Angus MacDonald Centre    /    Social services    /   
Fédération des jeunes francophones du N.-B. Inc.    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
Greater Moncton Association of Community Living    /    Social services    /       Y.O.
Greater Moncton Parkinson Support Group    /    Social services    /       
Groupe d'action en sécurité alimentaire de Westmorland Albert    /    Social services    /   
Groupe de support émotionnel inc.    /    Social services    /       
Harvest House Ministry Outreach Center    /    Social services    /       
Inclusion Advocacy    /    Social services    /   
Jade Centre    /    Social services    /   
Jordan Life Care Centre Inc.    /    Social services    /       
Karing Kitchen Inc.    /    Social services    /       
Katimavik    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
Kids Help Phone    /    Social services    /   
L 'Association des familles d 'accueil du Sud-Est du Nouveau-Brunswick    /    Social services    /       
La Leche League Canada Moncton    /    Social services    /       
La maison des jeunes à Dieppe inc.    /    Social services    /       Y.O.
Le Garoussi inc.    /    Social services    /       
Legion #6    /    Social services    /       
Lien MOMS Link: Mothers Offering Mentorship and Support    /    Social services    /   
Magnetic Hill Zoo    /    Social services    /       
Mapleton Teaching Kitchen Inc.    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
March of Dimes Canada    /    Social services    /    /   
Maritimes Newcomer Services    /    Social Services    /   
Moncton Cares    /    Social services    /   
Moncton Headstart Recycles Inc.     /    Social services    /       Y.O.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)    /    Social services    /   
Multicultural Association of the Greater Moncton Area (MAGMA)    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
Muscular Dystrophy Canada South Eastern N.B. Mighty Drivers Chapter    /    Social services    /       
NB Coalition of Persons with Disabilities, Inc.    /    Social services    /   
New Brunswick Senior Citizens’ Federation    /    Social services    /   
New Brunwsick Association for Community Living    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
New Life Mission    /    Social services    /   
Parkinson Canada    /    Health    /   
Peter McKee Community Food Centre - PMCFC    /    Social services    /   
Pregnancy & Wellness Centre of Moncton    /    Social services    /   
Prostate Cancer Support Group    /    Social services    /       
Ray of Hope Needy Kitchen Inc.    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
Regional Addiction Services    /    Social services    /   
Regional service commission    /    Social services    /   
Renaissance Sackville    /    Social services    /   
Richelieu Club of Moncton    /    Social services    /   
River of pride    /    Social Services    /   
Ronald McDonald House Atlantic Canada, Moncton Ronald McDonald Family Room    /    Social services    /   
Salvation Army    /    Social services    /       
Salvation Army - Community & Family Services    /    Social services    /       
Salvation Army - Recycling    /    Social services    /       
Schizophrenia Society of New Brunswick - Moncton Chapter    /    Social services    /       
Second Chance Workshop    /    Social services    /   
Shelter Movers New Brunswick    /    Social services     /   
Social Development    /    Social services    /   
Social Development, Long Term Care - Seniors    /    Social services    /       
South East Early Intervention Program    /    Social services    /       
South-East Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services Inc.    /    Social services    /   
St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Augustine's    /    Social services    /       
The Voice of African-Canadian Youth (VACY)    /    Social services    /       
The Winners Walk of Hope    /    Social services    /   
Thyroid Foundation of Canada    /    Social services    /   
Villa Héritage    /    Social services    /       
Volunteer Services Department - South-East Regional Health Authority    /    Social services    /    Y.O.
Welcome Crew Volunteer Program    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
Y.W.C.A. Moncton - Adult day Program    /    Social services    /   
YMCA of Greater Moncton    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
Youth QUEST Central / Youth Impact Jeunesse Inc.    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
YWCA of Moncton    /    Social services    /       
Group 5 : Environment
CA-R-MA (Cat Rescue Maritimes)    /    Environment    /   
Canadian Council on Invasive Species    /    Environment    /   Y.O.
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - NB Chapter (CPAWS NB)    /    Environment    /   
Canadian Wildlife Federation    /    Environment    /   Y.O.
Community Forests International    /    Environment    /   
iMatter Canada    /    Environment    /   
Irish Town Nature Park Bird Feeder Trail    /    Environment    /       
Nature Conservancy of Canada    /    Environment    /   
Nature Trust of New Brunswick    /    Environment    /   
New Brunswick Environmental Network (Moncton)    /    Environment    /   
New Brunswick Environmental Network (NBEN)    /    Environment    /   
Petitcodiac Riverkeeper    /    Environment    /   
Petitcodiac Watershed Alliance    /    Environment    /   
Petitcodiac Watershed Monitoring Group    /    Environment    /       
Second Chance Workshop    /    Environment    /   
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)    /    Environment    /   
The Nature Conservancy of Canada    /    Environment    /   
Group 6 : Development and housing
Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)    /    Development and housing    /   
Chamber of Commerce of Greater Moncton    /    Development and housing    /   
Community Employment Agency (M.E.T.S.) Division    /    Development and housing    /       
Downtown City Housing    /    Development and housing    /   
Habitat for Humanity    /    Development and housing    /   
Habitat for Humanity Moncton    /    Development and housing    /   
Hive Life Haven Inc.    /    Development and housing    /   
Labour Services Centre / Human Resources and Social Development Canada    /    Development and housing    /   
Le Centre d’accueil et d’accompagnement francophone des immigrants du Sud-Est du Nouveau-Brunswick    /    Development and housing    /       
Moncton Employment Training Services (M.E.T.S.)    /    Development and housing    /       
Peoples Park Tower    /    Development and housing    /   
Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation Learning Centre of Moncton    /    Development and housing    /       
Social Development - Housing    /    Development and housing    /       
Social Development, Housing Division    /    Development and housing    /       Y.O.
St. Augustine Housing Ltd    /    Development and housing    /   
The Office of Rentalsman Service of New Brunswick    /    Development and housing    /   
WorkSafe NB    /    Development and housing    /   
World Vision Canada (Atlantic Canada)    /    Development and housing    /   
Group 7 : Law, advocacy
Atlantic Human Services - Cannell House    /    Law, advocacy    /   
Codiac R.C.M.P. Victim Services Unit    /    Law, advocacy    /       
Codiac R.C.M.P. Volunteer Services    /    Law, advocacy    /       
Correctional Service of Canada    /    Law, advocacy    /       
Crime Stoppers    /    Law, advocacy    /   
John Howard Society of Southeastern New Brunswick, Inc.    /    Law, advocacy    /       Y.O.
New Brunswick Human Rights Commission    /    Law, advocacy    /   
New Brunswick Ombudsman    /    Law, advocacy    /       
Group 8 : Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion
Children's Miracle Network    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /   Y.O.
Friends of the Moncton Hospital Foundation Inc.    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /   
Harvest House Atlantic    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /   
House of Nazareth    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /   Y.O.
New Brunswick Refugee Clinic (NBRC)    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /   
RESULTS Canada    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /   
Terry Fox Foundation    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /       
United Way of Greater Moncton & Southeastern New Brunswick Region Inc.    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /   
Urban/Rural Rides    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /   
Volunteer Centre of Southeastern New Brunswick Inc.    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /   Y.O.
Group 9 : International
Canadian Crossroads International    /    International    /   
Save the Children, Canada    /    International    /   
United Nations Children’s Fund    /    International    /   
World Vision Canada    /    International    /   
Group 10 : Religion
Bibles for Missions Thrift Store    /    Religion    /   
Canadian Bible Society    /    Religion    /   
Lewisville Baptist Youth    /    Religion    /       Y.O.
Moncton Wesleyan Xtreme youth Ministries    /    Religion    /    Y.O.
Office of Faith Development    /    Religion    /       
Parish St. Thérèse D ' Avila    /    Religion    /       Y.O.
St. Andrew 's Presbyterian Youth    /    Religion    /       Y.O.
St. Augustine 's Church    /    Religion    /       Y.O.
Ten Thousand Villages    /    Religion    /       

 Agencies by alphabetical order

Agency name     /     CLASS     /     Website if available>    /       (Agency offering youth volunteering opportunities)

Ability Transit    /    Social services    /       
Addiction and Mental Health Services    /    Social services    /   
AIDS New Brunswick Inc    /    Health    /   
Albert County Action Committee    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
Albert County Historical Society    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Alcoholics Anonymous    /    Social services    /       
Alternative Residences Alternatives (A R A) Inc.    /    Social services    /       Y.O.
Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick    /    Health    /   
Alzheimer Society of Southeast New Brunswick    /    Health    /       Y.O.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society of New Brunswick    /    Health    /   
Apprentissage pour adultes Sud-Est inc.    /    Education and research    /       
Arthritis Society, Codiac Branch    /    Health    /   
Arthritis Society, New Brunswick Division    /    Health    /   
Atlantic Ballet Atlantique Canada    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Atlantic Dance Festival    /    Culture and recreation    /       Y.O.
Atlantic Human Services - Cannell House    /    Law, advocacy    /   
Atlantic Wellness Community Center    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
Autism Resource Centre Southeastern NB    /    Social services    /   
Beauséjour Community Palliative Services    /    Health    /   
Bereavement Support Group    /    Social services    /       
Bibles for Missions Thrift Store    /    Religion    /   
Big Brothers - Big Sisters    /    Social services    /       Y.O.
Birthright    /    Social services    /   
Block Parents Plan (Moncton)    /    Social services    /       
Boccia New Brunswick    /    Culture and recreation    /       
Boutique Hospice Shoppe    /    Social services    /    /   Y.O.
Boys and Girls Club of Dieppe Inc.    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
Brain Injury Association of New Brunswick Inc.    /    Health    /       
BullyingCanada    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
CA-R-MA (Cat Rescue Maritimes)    /    Environment    /   
CAFi (Centre d'accueil et d'accompagnement francophone des immigrants du sud-Est du Nouveau-Brunswick)    /    Social services    /   
Canadian Bible Society    /    Religion    /   
Canadian Blood Services    /    Health    /   
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation - Atlantic Region    /    Social services    /   
Canadian Cancer Society    /    Social services    /    
Canadian Cancer Society (New Brunswick Division Greater Moncton Unit)    /    Health    /   Y.O.
Canadian Celiac Association, Moncton Chapter    /    Health    /   
Canadian Council on Invasive Species    /    Environment    /   Y.O.
Canadian Crossroads International    /    International    /   
Canadian Diabetes Association    /    Health    /   
Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)    /    Development and housing    /   
Canadian Hard of Hearing Association, New Brunswick Chapter    /    Social services    /       
Canadian Mental Health Association, Moncton Region Inc.    /    Health    /   
Canadian Mental Health Association, N.B. Division    /    Health    /   
Canadian National Institute for the Blind    /    Social services    /   
Canadian Paraplegic Association New Brunswick Inc.    /    Social services    /   
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - NB Chapter (CPAWS NB)    /    Environment    /   
Canadian Red Cross    /    Health    /   Y.O.
Canadian Wildlife Federation    /    Environment    /   Y.O.
Cancer Society - Greater Moncton Relay for Life    /    Social services    /   
CARA Helpline Inc.    /    Social services    /       
Carrefour des amis inc.    /    Education and research    /       
Centre hospitalier universitaire Dr-Georges-L.-Dumont    /    Health    /   
Chamber of Commerce of Greater Moncton    /    Development and housing    /   
Children's Miracle Network    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /   Y.O.
Christmas Daddies Family Fun Day    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
City of Moncton - Recreation, Parks and Culture department    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
CKUM-FM 93,5    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
CODAC NB - Lire et Faire Lire Acadie    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Codiac R.C.M.P. Victim Services Unit    /    Law, advocacy    /       
Codiac R.C.M.P. Volunteer Services    /    Law, advocacy    /       
Codiac Youth Soccer    /    Culture and recreation    /       
College of Massage Therapists of New Brunswick (CMTNB)    /    Health    /   
Comcare Health Services    /    Health    /   
Comfort Life Network    /    Social services    /       Y.O.
Community Employment Agency (M.E.T.S.) Division    /    Development and housing    /       
Community Forests International    /    Environment    /   
Community Mental Health Center, Mental Health Services Division of N.B.    /    Health    /       
Conseil d'alphabétisation Le Mascaret (Moncton-Dieppe)    /    Education and research    /    
Conseil provincial des sociétés culturelles    /    Culture and recreation    /       
Correctional Service of Canada    /    Law, advocacy    /       
Crime Stoppers    /    Law, advocacy    /   
Crohn's and Colitis Canada – Maritime Region    /    Health    /   
Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada    /    Health    /       
Crossroads for Women Inc.    /    Social services    /   
Cystic Fibrosis, Dawn MacEachern Chapter    /    Health    /       
Defeat Depression Canada    /    Social services    /   
Diabetes Canada    /    Health    /   
Dieppe Kite International    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
Dieppe Leisure & Community Services    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
Dorchester Consolidated School    /    Education and research    /       
Downtown City Housing    /    Development and housing    /   
Dream Catchers Baseball Association    /    Culture and recreation    /       Y.O.
Early Childhood Family Resource Centre of Westmorland-Albert Inc    /    Social services    /   
École Clément-Cormier    /    Education and research    /   
École Mathieu-Martin     /    Education and research    /   
Ecole Sainte-Bernadette    /    Education and research    /   
École St-Henri - District scolaire francophone sud    /    Education and research    /   
Elderdog Canada    /    Social services    /   
Elementary Literacy Inc    /    Education and research    /   
Employment Peer Support Program Inc.    /    Social Services    /   
ENSEMBLE Services Greater-Grand Moncton    /    Health    /   Y.O.
Epilepsy New Brunswick    /    Health    /       
Ergon Inc.    /    Social services    /       
Evergreen Park School    /    Education and research    /       
Famille et petite enfance francophone Sud    /    Education and research    /   
Famille et petite enfance francophone Sud    /    Education and research    /   
Family and Early Childhood Inc.    /    Social services    /   
Family Crisis Ressource Center    /    Social services    /   
Father J. Angus MacDonald Centre    /    Social services    /   
Fédération des jeunes francophones du N.-B. Inc.    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
Festival Inspire    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
Friends of the Moncton Hospital Foundation Inc.    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /   
Frye Festival    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Galerie sans nom    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Girl Guides of Canada    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
GLOCAL Foundation of Canada    /    Education and research    /   Y.O.
Gordon Hall    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Greater Moncton Association of Community Living    /    Social services    /       Y.O.
Greater Moncton Chorale    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
Greater Moncton Down Syndrome Society    /    Health    /       
Greater Moncton Football Association Inc.     /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
Greater Moncton Parkinson Support Group    /    Social services    /       
Groupe d'action en sécurité alimentaire de Westmorland Albert    /    Social services    /   
Groupe de support émotionnel inc.    /    Social services    /       
Habitat for Humanity    /    Development and housing    /   
Habitat for Humanity Moncton    /    Development and housing    /   
Harvest House Atlantic    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /   
Harvest House Ministry Outreach Center    /    Social services    /       
Health Canada, Population and Public Health Branch    /    Health    /       
Healthy Minds Canada    /    Health    /   
Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick    /    Health    /   
Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick GREATER MONCTON    /    Health    /   
Heritage Hillsborough Inc    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Hive Life Haven Inc.    /    Development and housing    /   
Horizon Health Network    /    Health    /    
Hospice Palliative Care of Greater Moncton    /    Health    /   
House of Nazareth    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /   Y.O.
HubcityTheatre Inc.     /    Culture and recreation    /   
Huntington 's Society of Canada    /    Health    /   
iMatter Canada    /    Environment    /   
Inclusion Advocacy    /    Social services    /   
Irish Town Nature Park Bird Feeder Trail    /    Environment    /       
Jade Centre    /    Social services    /   
Jeux de la francophonie canadienne    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
John Howard Society of Southeastern New Brunswick, Inc.    /    Law, advocacy    /       Y.O.
Jordan Life Care Centre Inc.    /    Social services    /       
Junior Achievement of Greater Moncton    /    Education and research    /   Y.O.
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)    /    Health    /       
Karing Kitchen Inc.    /    Social services    /       
Katimavik    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
Kenneth E. Spencer Memorial Home    /    Health    /   Y.O.
Kidney Foundation of Canada    /    Health    /   
Kids Code Jeunesse    /    Education and research    /   Y.O.
Kids Help Phone    /    Social services    /   
L 'Association des familles d 'accueil du Sud-Est du Nouveau-Brunswick    /    Social services    /       
La Fédération des Guides du N.-B. Inc.    /    Culture and recreation    /       Y.O.
La Leche League Canada Moncton    /    Social services    /       
La maison des jeunes à Dieppe inc.    /    Social services    /       Y.O.
Labour Services Centre / Human Resources and Social Development Canada    /    Development and housing    /   
Laubach Literacy N.B.    /    Education and research    /       
Le Centre d’accueil et d’accompagnement francophone des immigrants du Sud-Est du Nouveau-Brunswick    /    Development and housing    /       
Le Garoussi inc.    /    Social services    /       
Learning Disabilities Association    /    Education and research    /       
Legion #6    /    Social services    /       
Legs for Literacy    /    Education and research    /   Y.O.
Lewisville Baptist Youth    /    Religion    /       Y.O.
Lien MOMS Link: Mothers Offering Mentorship and Support    /    Social services    /   
Literacy Program for Francophones of South-East New Brunswick    /    Education and research    /       
Lung Association New Brunswick    /    Health    /   
Lutz Mountain Heritage Foundation Inc    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Lutz Mountain Heritage Museum and Meeting House    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Magnetic Hill Zoo    /    Social services    /       
Mapleton Teaching Kitchen Inc.    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
March of Dimes Canada    /    Social services    /    /   
Maritimes Newcomer Services    /    Social Services    /   
McKenzie College    /    Education and research    /       
Moncton Boys & Girls Club Inc    /    Culture and recreation    /       Y.O.
Moncton Cares    /    Social services    /   
Moncton Employment Training Services (M.E.T.S.)    /    Development and housing    /       
Moncton Headstart Inc. - Early Family Intervention Inc.     /    Education and research    /       Y.O.
Moncton Headstart Recycles Inc.     /    Social services    /       Y.O.
Moncton Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae    /    Health    /       
Moncton Kinsmen House    /    Health    /       
Moncton Museum    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
Moncton Public Library    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
Moncton Wesleyan Xtreme youth Ministries    /    Religion    /    Y.O.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)    /    Social services    /   
Multicultural Association of the Greater Moncton Area (MAGMA)    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada    /    Health    /   
Muscular Dystrophy Canada South Eastern N.B. Mighty Drivers Chapter    /    Social services    /       
Nature Conservancy of Canada    /    Environment    /   
Nature Trust of New Brunswick    /    Environment    /   
Navy League Cadet Corps 193 Codiac    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
NB Coalition of Persons with Disabilities, Inc.    /    Social services    /   
New Brunswick Environmental Network (Moncton)    /    Environment    /   
New Brunswick Environmental Network (NBEN)    /    Environment    /   
New Brunswick Extra Mural Program    /    Health    /       
New Brunswick Human Rights Commission    /    Law, advocacy    /   
New Brunswick Ombudsman    /    Law, advocacy    /       
New Brunswick Racquetball Association    /    Culture and recreation    /   
New Brunswick Refugee Clinic (NBRC)    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /   
New Brunswick Senior Citizens’ Federation    /    Social services    /   
New Brunwsick Association for Community Living    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
New Life Mission    /    Social services    /   
Office of Faith Development    /    Religion    /       
Osteoporosis Canada    /    Health    /   
Osteoporosis Canada    /    Health    /   
Osteoporosis Canada, Greater Moncton Chapter    /    Health    /   
Oulton College    /    Education and research    /   
Ovarian Cancer Canada    /    Health    /   
Parasport New Brunswick    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Parish St. Thérèse D ' Avila    /    Religion    /       Y.O.
Parkinson Canada    /    Health    /   
Parkinson Canada    /    Health    /   
Peoples Park Tower    /    Development and housing    /   
Permanent Settlers Association    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Peter McKee Community Food Centre - PMCFC    /    Social services    /   
Petitcodiac Riverkeeper    /    Environment    /   
Petitcodiac Watershed Alliance    /    Environment    /   
Petitcodiac Watershed Monitoring Group    /    Environment    /       
Pregnancy & Wellness Centre of Moncton    /    Social services    /   
Prostate Cancer Support Group    /    Social services    /       
Public Health    /    Health    /       
Ray of Hope Needy Kitchen Inc.    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
READ Moncton    /    Education and research    /   
Regional Addiction Services    /    Social services    /   
Regional service commission    /    Social services    /   
Renaissance Sackville    /    Social services    /   
Respite Care Services - Children Special Needs    /    Health    /       
RESULTS Canada    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /   
Richelieu Club of Moncton    /    Social services    /   
River of pride    /    Social Services    /   
Riverview Arts Centre    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Riverview Boys and Girls Club    /    Culture and recreation    /       Y.O.
Riverview Middle School Breakfast Program    /    Education and research    /       
Riverview Tennis Club    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Rogers Community Television    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
Ronald McDonald Family Room    /    Health    /   
Ronald McDonald House Atlantic Canada, Moncton Ronald McDonald Family Room    /    Social services    /   
S.M.I.L.E. (Sensory Motor Instructional Leadership Experience)    /    Education and research    /       
Salvation Army    /    Social services    /       
Salvation Army - Community & Family Services    /    Social services    /       
Salvation Army - Lakeview Manor    /    Health    /   Y.O.
Salvation Army - Recycling    /    Social services    /       
Salvus Clinic    /    Health    /   
Save the Children, Canada    /    International    /   
Schizophrenia Society of New Brunswick - Moncton Chapter    /    Social services    /       
Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation Learning Centre of Moncton    /    Development and housing    /       
Scouts Canada - Moncton    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Second Chance Workshop    /    Environment    /   
Second Chance Workshop    /    Education and research    /   
Second Chance Workshop    /    Social services    /   
Sexual Health Centre    /    Health    /       
Shelter Movers New Brunswick    /    Social services     /   
Social Development    /    Social services    /   
Social Development - Housing    /    Development and housing    /       
Social Development, Housing Division    /    Development and housing    /       Y.O.
Social Development, Long Term Care - Seniors    /    Social services    /       
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)    /    Environment    /   
South East Early Intervention Program    /    Social services    /       
South-East Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services Inc.    /    Social services    /   
Special Olympics - Moncton     /    Culture and recreation    /       Y.O.
Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of New Brunswick    /    Health    /       
Sport Academy New Brunswick Inc (ASANB)    /    Culture and recreation    /       
St. Andrew 's Presbyterian Youth    /    Religion    /       Y.O.
St. Augustine 's Church    /    Religion    /       Y.O.
St. Augustine Housing Ltd    /    Development and housing    /   
St. John Ambulance - N.B. Council     /    Health    /   Y.O.
St. John Ambulance 275 Division - Moncton    /    Health    /   
St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Augustine's    /    Social services    /       
Tantramar Regional High School    /    Education and research    /   
Tele-care    /    Health    /   
Ten Thousand Villages    /    Religion    /       
Terry Fox Foundation    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /       
The Arthritis Society    /    Health    /   
The Nature Conservancy of Canada    /    Environment    /   
The Office of Rentalsman Service of New Brunswick    /    Development and housing    /   
The Voice of African-Canadian Youth (VACY)    /    Social services    /       
The Winners Walk of Hope    /    Social services    /   
Théâtre l 'Escaouette    /    Culture and recreation    /   
Thyroid Foundation of Canada    /    Social services    /   
Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada, New Brunswick Chapter    /    Health    /   
Town of Riverview, Parks and Recreation Department    /    Culture and recreation    /   Y.O.
United for Literacy    /    Education and research    /   
United Nations Children’s Fund    /    International    /   
United Way of Greater Moncton & Southeastern New Brunswick Region Inc.    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /   
Urban/Rural Rides    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /   
Veteran Health Centre    /    Health    /       
Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) Moncton Branch    /    Health    /   
Villa du Repos    /    Health    /       Y.O.
Villa Héritage    /    Social services    /       
Vitalité Health Network    /    Health    /   
Volunteer Centre of Southeastern New Brunswick Inc.    /    Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion    /   Y.O.
Volunteer Services Department - South-East Regional Health Authority    /    Social services    /    Y.O.
Welcome Crew Volunteer Program    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
Wellness, Culture & Sport - New Brunswick    /    Culture and recreation    /       
Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission of New Brunswick    /    Health    /       
WorkSafe NB    /    Development and housing    /   
World Vision Canada    /    International    /   
World Vision Canada (Atlantic Canada)    /    Development and housing    /   
Y.W.C.A. Moncton - Adult day Program    /    Social services    /   
YMCA of Greater Moncton    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
Youth QUEST Central / Youth Impact Jeunesse Inc.    /    Social services    /   Y.O.
YWCA of Moncton    /    Social services    /