par marcialeger | Nov 20, 2024 | Annonce
REGISTRATION OPENS Nov. 18th – Dec. 11th (or until full)Monday – Friday, 8:ooam-4:oopm during operating hoursCall (506) 688-1239 or (506) 688-1460 Clients of the Peter McKee Food Centre can register during their monthly appointment Please note registration...
par marcialeger | Juin 13, 2024 | Annonce
Question:Does the need for food and/or volunteers change during the summer months?Answer:Basically, families still require food and support ail year so activities at the Centre continue during the summer months. We provide food to university students in need...
par marcialeger | Fév 23, 2024 | Annonce
• Faites du bénévolat au centre. Nous comptons sur un grand nombre de bénévoles pour trier les aliments, stocker les étagères, interagir avec les clients et entretenir le bâtiment.Organisez une collecte de nourriture à votre église, à votre lieu de travail, dans votre...
par marcialeger | Oct 29, 2023 | Transport
The Peter McKee Centre has taken over the “bread run” in Moncton and we need volunteers to work Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays from 7:30 am to 10:30 am. This would involve driving to the Food Depot Alimentaire warehouse located at 330 Connaught Ave, and picking up the...