Volunteer Centre of Southeastern New Brunswick
Building a stronger community
through Leadership, Support and Service.
Everyone can volunteer; services will be provided to those in need. The vision of the Volunteer Centre of Southeastern New Brunswick Inc. is to foster, promote and coordinate resources and people to deliver unique and creative solutions to serve the needs of the community. The Volunteer Center’s contribution to the voluntary sector is to advance the role of volunteers in providing services and meeting needs. In partnership with the public and private sectors, the VCB provides direct service to the community.
The Volunteer Centre administers programs funded by Social Development and Government of Canada.
The Volunteer Centre of Southeastern New Brunswick Inc. is located in Moncton and serves the tri-communities of Dieppe, Moncton and Riverview. In partnership with the Municipalities of Dieppe, Moncton and Riverview the Volunteer Centre of Southeastern New Brunswick Inc. organizes “National Volunteer Week Activities”.
Annual Report
Charitable donations
Over the past 40 years, the Volunteer Centre of Southeastern New Brunswick Inc. (as a registered charitable organization) through the promotion of volunteering has continued to support over 150 registered not-for-profit agencies/organizations from the Dieppe, Moncton and Riverview areas by responding to requests for recruitment and referral of community volunteers.
Striving to be a role model for agencies/organizations engaging volunteers, the Volunteer Centre of Southeastern New Brunswick Inc. coordinates and/or assists with workshops and training sessions for volunteers and agencies and organizations utilizing volunteers. The “Centre” also serves as an information and consultation service to the community-at-large. Your charitable donation is your way of saying: “Yes, Volunteers are essential to the quality of our community!” Charitable tax receipts are available with any financial donation. You can donate online.

Logo and signature
Description of our logo : The heart shape represents dedication, leadership and support. The arms form the letter “V” and stands for Volunteer.